Derek Sparks


Derek is Store Manager of the Johnston Hy-Vee. He has been with Hy-Vee for 26 years and is new to the Hy-Vee in Johnston. Derek is married to Rachel Sparks, and they have 4 children, Gavin (9), Adalyn (7), Corbin (4) and Jackson (1).  Derek has been on several boards in his tenure with Hy-Vee. To name a few Pella Dollars for Scholars President, Pella Opera House Board, Kiwanis, and an EMT at the Pella Ambulance Service. He was also named in the 2017 Hy-Vee Hall of Fame for community involvement. He is currently a member of the Johnston Rotary and looks forward to getting to know the community and being involved in Johnston and contributing to the chamber board. In his spare time he enjoys playing basketball, bowling, going to the movies and spending time with family.